G-Hypnosis Charter Member

WARNING! You Are NOT going to see anything fancy here…

  • No countdown timers
  • No false scarcity
  • No bullshit claims

BUT you are about to be exposed to one of my innermost and darkest black hat tactics EVER.

It’s called the G-Hypnosis Protocol! (Or G-Hypnosis Hacks!… we haven’t decided on an official name yet)

What does G-Hypnosis do?

It hypnotizes Google and influences her autosuggestion box, so you can divert FREE organic traffic to YOUR business…

It all started couple years ago, when I had a BIG problem that I needed to solve… so I started working on a solution
and as I went through the process, an idea sparked inside my head. A… tiny… little… spark.

I thought to myself, “I wonder if this will work?” So in a matter of minutes, I tried it and I NEARLY
forgot about it. Honestly, I really didn’t know if it would work or not. To be honest… I did forget about
it! It was a couple of months later when I remembered, and when I looked, I was SHOCKED to see the results…

This campaign is no longer active… we shut it off because it worked TOO well!

It worked!!! I had manipulated Google’s autosuggest results to show a search term where I DOMINATED THE SERPS... when
people clicked that autosuggest result, it took EVERYONE to a page where ALL the results showed my company… my brand!

The image above was taken a couple of years ago…

HOWEVER… here’s a recent screenshot from late November in 2017.

Results using OUR NEWEST method for one of our clients!

Imagine getting Google AND Siri to “recommend” YOUR business or brand to your ideal audience… BEFORE they discover your competition!

By the way… I did this WITHOUT using:

  • Any software
  • Any bots
  • Any Fiverr crap

This was done with REAL people and the process is based on neuro-psychology and is 100% legal and Ethical.

In fact, if I showed this to Larry & Sergey, I don’t think they could stop it.


I’m going to share this deep dark secret with a VERY EXCLUSIVE small group of lucky people
who are smart enough to instantly understand the value of this proven system.

Would YOU like to participate as an EXCLUSIVE Charter member of our G-Hypnosis program?

Here are the details…

We literally only have 10 spots left where people can participate as an early bird charter member.
I don’t want this getting out there before we launch this as a product.

The final product is likely going to cost $500 to $2000 MINIMUM, as I want to keep this exclusive to serious marketers and biz owners only, but for these last 10 spots, it’s only going to cost $150. (I really want to reward you for helping me to create successful case studies…)

Remember, we’re looking to create more case studies and success stories for this process, so please do NOT participate unless you are willing to take action on what you will learn…

Here are your requirements:

  • Invest $150 USD (no refunds)
  • Execute a Non-Disclosure/Non-Compete Agreement
  • Participate and Execute what you learn
  • Measure Your Results
  • Provide a video testimonial once you get the desired results
  • Your own website or a client’s website

What you’ll get:

  • 4 Webinars Minimum, perhaps more.
  • Access to a Private Facebook Group
  • 2 Unique & Different Strategies to Hypnotize Google’s Autosuggest
  • Complete Access to All Tools and Resources
  • VIP access to become an affiliate for launch
  • Unannounced bonuses for those who successfully implement the protocol
  • A positive ROI for your business or your client’s business.

Again, there will be a minimum of 4 webinars, perhaps more. There are at least 2 different strategies being taught on how to manipulate Google’s autosuggest results, so there’s a dedicated webinar for each strategy. Then there will be at least one Q&A session minimum, to ensure everyone understands how to make it work flawlessly. The tentative dates for the events are Dec 12th, Dec 14th and Dec 19th in the evening. There will be a final session sometime in January to measure impact and results.

As a BONUS, these 10 charter members will get first rights to become affiliates for the final product when it’s launched, so you can earn your money back on just 1 sale. Pretty sweet, right?

There are only 10 spots left and hope you’re smart enough and FAST enough to be one of them…

When you click the link to order below, you’ll see how many open spots are left and if it’s NOT showing ZERO or a “The Charter Membership Offer is Closed”, then you should be all set to go!

Yes, I Want to Hypnotize Google For FREE Organic Traffic!

Hope to see you in the LIVE training sessions!

Yes, that’s really me with Billionaire Investor, Marcus Lemonis, from CNBC’s hit Television Show, “The Profit”

Eric ‘ERock’ Christopher
CEO of BizFamous

PS– Seriously, once we reach our limit… it is CLOSED. Of course, it’s totally cool if you’ve changed your mind and want to just buy the course later. Just remember, it will likely require a 4-figure investment at that point.

So go there right now and reserve your spot asap. Today’s your last day to participate because if you don’t, we’re going to give your spot away to other people who are waiting to take action and your spot.

Yes, I Want to Hypnotize Google For FREE Organic Traffic!