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Course Materials
4. Follow & Friend
- Twitter Lists
- Directories, ie MuckRack
- 1. Share their content on social media and comment on their posts, and blog content... CONSISTENCY, remember?
- 2. Connect on social media and ask for advice or more insights. Don't be a kiss-ass. Ask a thoughtful question related to their expertise or an article they wrote. LIKING
- Compliment. LIKING.
5. Attention & Amplify
- Create quote cards for them for your article and amplify
- Create an infographic from listicles and amplify
- Curate their article on your website and add your thoughts.
- Create a video reviewing the value of their article.
- Compliment them on their piece of content via email. Tell them you're going to implement what you learned. Then go fucking DO it, because most people won't. Then come back later to share your success story and the impact.
- Bonus! If they are a speaker, promote their track or keynote on social letting them know how much you are looking forward to their segment. THEN, share during the event. Take their photo from the stage and email it to them! Afterward, share a glowing review of their segment, especially on Video. This is applicable to Virtual Summits!
6. Media & Mentions
- 4. Respond to a Quora post and reference their expertise or article. then share the post to FB and Twitter, mentioning their account.
- 5. If they have a podcast, leave a review. Then screenshot it and share it on social media.
- 3. Write a relevant blog post about them or about an article they wrote on your website or authority guest post. Be sure to link back to their website or article.
- 10. Create a testimonial video about how their information, training, software, services has impacted your life. Send it to them via email and share on social.
- 7. Buy their book if applicable. Take a photo of it. Leave a 5-star review ONLY if you authentically enjoyed it. Then tweet/share the review and photo and mention the author.
- 12. Buy their courses. Attend their events. Hire them if possible or send them referrals. Money talks!
7. Outreach & Offer
- Connection?
- Create a conversation!
- Offer to introduce to others!
- How do you decide what to write about?
- How do you decide whom to quote or source?
- Words Matter!
- Request to interview them. Don't ask for live time. Start by asking them to record a response via audio or video. Tell them you're working on an article for INSERT PUBLICATION HERE. Make sure it gets published somewhere. This is risky, so be cautious. If you have a podcast, you can try that as well.
8. Useful & Unique
- Keep them posted on industry news.
- RSS Feeds, Galerts, BrandMentions
- Be different!
- Be thankful. Send a thank you card, if possible.
- Be Grateful. Send a gift of less than $10. Starbucks or Giftcard. Customized Chocolates. Brownies. Custom T-Shirt.
- Inhabit Their World
- Offer introductions
- Ask for introductions